What Is Libdex?

Libdex is a worldwide directory of

  • library homepages,
  • web-based OPACs,
  • Friends of the Library pages, and
  • library e-commerce affiliate links.

The directory does not include links to terminal-based OPACs.

About our Business?

Libdex is owned and operated by Bisca International Investments Ltd, a Gibraltar based business specialising in interactive, content driven consumer web sites. We pride ourselves on producing sticky web sites which allow visitors to share information and ideas with one another. Whilst we continue to invest heavily in sourcing unique content for our web sites our goal is to create a sustainable community of contributing users to ensure the information we provide is accurate, interesting and up to date. Our past successes include:

Bisca is planning the release of more user generated websites soon.
A new version of libdex is planned by the end of the 2008

Copyright IBAN Investments 2019